TMB Internal Trainings
For the past decade or more, TMB has offered internal training to its staff in order to provide preparation towards bettering service and support to our customers. While this training was effective, senior leadership had reached a pivotal point during the first years of the BFM contract, which indicated the necessity for better training and more coursework to elevate the preparation of our staff to meet the ever changing financial support environment of NAVSEA and the customer. To meet this challenge, senior leadership established the initiative to overhaul parts of the training to make it available on a more frequent and comprehensive basis.
To that end, in November 2019, TMB management implemented the enhanced training resource library. This repository retains the prior training materials for reference, which also allows any staff member to conduct their own training within the DAU/DAWIA online certification courses. These materials and courses are referenced on the TMB Workforce Training SharePoint site, which was launched in November, as well. In addition, this site provides the members of our TMB staff and the seated subcontractors the ability to monitor the upcoming internal training classes offered monthly with our Subject Matter Experts as instructors. The training coursework provides any number of options for gaining insight and a working knowledge of the Navy Financial Management tools and skills required to perform the day-to-day functions. Coursework covers a litany of subjects covering the PPBES requirements called out for the Navy-wide BFM community. The curriculums cover topics, such as, financial planning and execution, field funding document creation, budgeting, contracts management and Excel training. Each of these courses aligns with the requirements of financial and data management TMB is required support under all our BFM related work. At the present time TMB offers roughly 14 classes, with new classes being incorporated into the training portfolio on a recommended or as needed basis. We are always looking for suggestions and ways to improve our training and welcome all ideas. We urge everyone to take advantage of this training and thank all those who have so far. To access the training guidelines, in person course schedule and reference materials, please go the TMB Workforce Training site here
~ Dan Clague