Employee Code of Conduct
TMB is committed to following and expects all of its employees to commit to following the Code of Conduct outlined below.
TMB will:
- Conduct business with integrity and professionalism, and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
- Employ people on the basis of their qualifications and with assurance of equal opportunity and treatment regardless of race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status, disability or any other protected status.
- Provide compensation and benefits which bear an appropriate relationship to the work performed.
- Maintain a working environment that is safe, healthful, and free from harassment.
- Encourage constructive suggestions which relate to methods, procedures, working conditions, and the nature of the work performed.
TMB Employees will:
- Conduct themselves on and off the job in a manner that will foster and preserve the Company’s professional image.
- Avoid conduct that makes it difficult for fellow workers to perform their tasks in a pleasant and cooperative atmosphere.
- Work productively to the best of their abilities and skills.
- Cooperate with co-workers in a timely and professional manner.
- Arrive at their assigned work area and begin work on time.
- Treat each individual with respect, courtesy, and dignity, regardless of his/her position.
- Adhere to TMB policies, processes, and procedures.
- Avoid conflicts of interest where personal interests are inconsistent with job responsibilities at TMB.